Nordic Cloud
it has been quite a while since Lupprians had a Scandinavian sister, but whether it is Norway, Sweden, Denmark or in this case Finland, Lupprians is your final mile provider for white glove services in the Nordic region
it has been quite a while since Lupprians had a Scandinavian sister, but whether it is Norway, Sweden, Denmark or in this case Finland, Lupprians is your final mile provider for white glove services in the Nordic region
Relocation of a Clinical Laboratory automation system within Utrecht
The Lupprians day starts off with looking at the whiteboard to see which WOD (work of the day) the Lupprians teams are assigned to. If the WOD will be Data Center Services then the Lupprians team will be in for a so called AMRAP « as […]
We will be moving industrial GE phoenix® v/tome/x s micro-CT scanners and the production line from Amsterdam to Poland for a digital dentistry production plant. With our mastermover and the transport cassettes aligned, the 2900 kgs weighing CT rolls real smooth
Decisions of the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority under the Nuclear Energy Act, Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority NUCLEAR ENERGY LAW The Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection has, under the stated characteristic, granted permits for performing activities with radioactive substances, accelerators, […]
without further ado, let us introduce you to the Lupprians team, superhero style A Chris B. Murray original for the Lupprians canteen click here for a time lapse of the application
…….that Lupprians can help you transport, unpack and position your instruments and equipment for your R&D department. Whether it is a large and heavy column chromatography instrument or a any other instrument…. Lupprians will take CARE of it.
Check the following link: Movie of the spectacular hoist of an 8 metric tonnes PET MR 18-05-2019 Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Prospects are often referred to us by our customers, who know our capabilities and who know that we do not keep tight scheduling programmes that limit your flexibility We are all about flexibility and solutions, that’s our point of sale.
We needed a fresh new look for our new canteen, and what better way than to have Chris B. Murray make a design for it The artwork is all about the Lupprians’ ambassadors: the Lupprians’ employees, their work and their tools. It has been printed […]